Cross Country
Dorset is a great place to race cross country
Whether you are an old hand or have never run cross country before you will be well served by joining one of Dorset's athletics clubs. Most of them take part in cross country racing, notably the Wessex Cross Country League. Many also travel further afield to race at events such as the South West, Southern and National Cross Country championships. Here are links to some of the Dorset clubs in the county that take part in cross country races:
Wessex Cross Country League
The Wessex League is a series of cross country races held across the Wessex area from October to December each year. Entries can be made individually or via an athletics club. Race distances vary from 1.5 km for Under 11s up to 10 km for seniors and veterans. Prizes are awarded at the end of the series for individual and team winners in all categories.
The first race of the 2024/25 season is on 6th October at Learoyd Road, Poole. Registration and league rules can be found here:

Dorset County Cross Country Championships
The Dorset County Cross Country Championships are held in the autumn each year at one of the Wessex Cross Country League races, most recently at Bryanston School in Blandford Forum. You do not have to be a member of a club to enter but must be either resident in Dorset or have been born in Dorset to qualify. The youngest age group in the championships is Under 13. A Quadkids (Under 11) event is held at the same time. Medals and trophies are awarded for category winners.
The 2024 Dorset County Cross Country Championships were held on Sunday 15th December at Canford School in Wimborne. A separate entry to the championships was required in addition to being registered for the league. Click below to see the 2024 county results:

Hampshire Cross Country League
Many of our Dorset-based clubs compete in the neighbouring Hampshire Cross Country League. This gives athletes the opportunity to race on different courses and against runners from a wider variety of clubs. The League comprises five or six races spread across the autumn and winter. Entries are made via league-affiliated clubs.
The first race of the 2024/25 season was held on Saturday 12th October at Popham Airfield near Basingstoke.
Click here for a link to the League Facebook group that has details of all the fixtures and results:

UK Intercounties Cross Country Championships
The best of Dorset's cross country runners have the opportunity to pull on the green Dorset vest and compete for their county each year at the UK Intercounties Cross Country Championships. This is one of the largest and probably the highest quality fixture in the cross country calendar with competitors from most of the counties in the UK. Age categories include Under 13, Under 15, Under 17, Under 20 and Senior (incorporating veteran). Selections for the teams are made by Dorset managers in January and February based partly on the top finishers at the Dorset County Championships and partly on other results from across the season.
The Intercounties will next be held at Wollaton Park in Nottingham on 8th March 2025.